Jun 14, 2023Liked by Spencer Orenstein Lequerica

Another enjoyable , well written, and interesting piece, Spencer. Eleanor surely knew, and could feel, how much you and HM loved her. She basked in that love! I’ve witnessed many examples of your language of love, especially toward Heather Marie. Carefully chosen gifts, supporting and joining in on her love of Improv, your tenderness toward her. I’m happy to be connected to you, and I am saying, I love you!

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023Liked by Spencer Orenstein Lequerica

In Spanish, we have the casual "te quiero," which can be translated as I like you and the loaded "te amo." I very seldom use the latter. However, in English is very easy to say things like "I love pizza," when in reality, I may only like pizza a lot. I find those kind of quirks of language fascinating.

I think that between men, it can be challenging to show affection for one of our brothers. I have a few men in my life who wouldn't flinch if I told them I love them. I also come from a very touchy-feely culture, so we use that instead of words to communicate affection.

My wife says that my love language is acts of service since I enjoy making her life easier by helping her do some of the tasks she dislikes. But obviously, verbalizing my love for her is important.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Spencer Orenstein Lequerica

OMG, Cat Hat! My 12 year old cat, Garrison, does the exact same thing. We also call it Cat Hat! I grew up with cats but Garrison is the only one I've known who does that, but maybe it's a thing with some cats? We love him deeply. Thanks for sharing!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Spencer Orenstein Lequerica

It's always such a heartache to lose a family pet. I'm sorry for your loss. This is yet another deeply touching and vulnerable piece. Showing and expressing love can be difficult and make us feel so raw and naked, so thank you for being so open with us.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Spencer Orenstein Lequerica

Love, the beginning, middle and end of everything. Our purpose and our delight. Raisin d’être. Expressed by drinking in the scent of a rose, savouring the taste of freshly brewed coffee, placing a hand on the back of a friend, noticing the detail of another’s life, speaking truth, slipping the body into water.... ‘how do I love thee, let me count the ways’ and of course saying I love you. ♥️

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